Career- Life Exploration
Career- Life Exploration
Using the “Backward Mapping” design from the educational setting, we are able to explore the career goals of the participants and to illustrate the process of achieving those goals. “Career-Life 3-2-1 Action” is consists of a series of workshops and events.
Career Exploration
FunforGOal Foundation invites professionals from different career sectors to give participants some level of exposure to the career of their interest, understand the requirement of landing such a job, and know the challenging side of it.
Resume Making Workshop
A resume in today’s world could be in a written form, a social media & media piece, or a personal portfolio. It is a crucial part of showing and presenting ourselves to interested employers and the public. Making a resume is having a reflection on oneself, of our values, our personalities, and our direction in life.
Stepping outside of the classrooms into the community provides abundant hands-on learning opportunities, and is able to strengthen the connections between what’s been learned in school and daily life situations.