Wellness Expo – Youth & Young Adult Focused

2024 Wellness Expo

Many thanks to our amazing committee members, and the FunforGOal youth leaders for organizing and executing this meaningful event in our multicultural community!

With Jessica and her company, PICI Prosperous, support, we were able to expand our reach to young adults who are international students and newcomers. Being FunforGOal’s social media coordinator, Vivian (@chocoviv) has led the marketing movement and connected Expo with other local social media influencers to help us spread the news. KJ and her KJ studio captured all the amazing moments shared. Luke from Glorious Art Institute and Aryana, led the FunforGOal youth leaders that planned and carried out the fundraising and the kid’s arts & crafts stations.

The support Carol and Julia’s Kitchen provided to the team members and volunteers was phenomenal! The delicious bubble tea and the lunch warmed us up in chilly November.

Jennifer, CLC Events, connected other local community groups to come to support this amazing cause. FT, Events With FT, introduced new community partners to us.

Together, we have brought like-minded vendors, groups, and individuals to bring BC Wellness Expo to you! We work to close the gap!

FunforGOal Youth Group

Vicky L.Eva W.Yoyo
Golden S.Jerry J.Amelia J.
Phoebe K.LucyAngela W.
Anni L.Sophia L.Wendy L.

Our Committee Team of 2024