FunForGoal Youth Wellness Group

In 2021, FunforGOal Foundation has teamed up with Jack.Org in setting up a community group to advocate for and raise awareness about youth mental health. Mental health refers to our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. When we caught a cold or become ill, our bodies show symptoms such as sneeze, caught, pain, redness, soreness to signal us. Same as our mental wellbeing, however often enough the symptoms are subtle and become undetected. Thus, we need to learn how to be kind to ourselves and look for the resources that can help us to manage these hiccups in life. 
FunforGOal Youth Wellness provide
  • A safe space to learn, to have fun, and support each other 
  • We do self-care activities (outdoor, indoor, online) 
  • Understanding our emotions, to name and manage them. 
  • We practice calming techniques 
  • Adopting mindfulness lifestyle 
  • We do community service activities